Monday 16 May 2016

Parts of a Blog

Parts of a Blog

*Parts of a Blog (For Blogger)
*Parts of a Blog (For Word Press)
*Parts of a Blog(For Wix)
*Parts of a Blog (For e.t.c)

To start a blog and throw aside the cloak of ignorance,you have to know all parts of your Blog.
 Start by being familiar with the blog platform environment  you have stumbled upon or have heard about or want to use.
1. Parts of the Blog platform for BLOGGER

 * The Dashboard- Situated at the left side of your screen (Which includes the Over view ,posts, pages, comments, status, earnings, campaign, layout, template and settings)

-Overview: Self explanatory but its the area of blogger where you can see your page views (which is the number of times people have viewed your page), Page news(Showing What Google blogger has to offer)
- The posts section(the section where you type and publish),
-The pages section is also there which is used to generalize OR put all similar post articles into on page.
-The Status(which includes traffic source; which is basically the places you get attention from,The posts, and audience; which means the people and their states viewing your blog)
-The Earnings section ; which shows your source of income, but in this case, income from Google AdSense.
-The Campaigns section which is for companies or advertisers bidding to win possession of  particular words that they will use to advertise hence to bring in more readers and buyers  to their blog.
-The Layout section which shows the format of your blog, the structure and its functions.
-The Template section which show the different options for the design of your blog , customisation, background design, and the view of your blog on a mobile device .
-The Settings section

*The Blog itself(which can be altered to have different items)  

2. Parts of a Blog Platform for Wordpress

Continuation coming soon!